Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Label Makers

Hello Bible Study Buddies? Lesson 2 talks about labels -- you know, those sticky little things that get slapped on a myriad of stuff? What labels are in your thought closet? Does the enemy try to tell you lies and stick his lying-labels on you? Do you allow it? Is it a FACT label ... a FATE label ... or a FAITH label?

This week I am in the re-labeling process, as part of my closet cleaning! I'm sorting out the facts from the fates that I have assigned to them, and (get this one ... listen carefully) I am saturating myself in scriptures to bolster my faith labels!
How about THIS for a super fantastic label ... 2 Timothy 1:7: "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline." Now that's a label loaded with strength, and power, and victory! No matter what FACT or FATE we might start with, this verse allows us to walk away with a nice bright shiny sticky label of FAITH on our foreheads!

What labels are you dealing with this week ladies? Are they truthful? You must tell yourself the truth about who you are, no matter what anyone else says! My closet is full of yellow sticky labels this week (for real! ... my sweet man wondered why, and he actually started to ask, but then he just shook his head and allowed me to yellow stick his clothes too - now THAT's the Holy Spirit working, I'm here to tell ya!).

Your Father, God, wants to be the Label Maker for your life! Ask God to help you receive His labels and reject other labels as you go throughout your days! Ladies, let's wear our FAITH labels and fix our eyes on the unseen!

Now let's hear it from you ... leave a comment and let us know how your re-labeling process is going! Encourage one another! I'll see you Thursday night at bible study ... you'll know you are where you should be if you see a bunch of FAITH-LABELED friends! Who's in? Got label?

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