Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Wise Thought Closet

Where on earth would we be without God and His Word? Lord, have mercy! If you've been able to stay on schedule with the Me Myself & Lies bible study, you should be almost completed with your Week Three homework. Did you discover your track from emotions, to thoughts, to actions? I did ... and all to often I think with my feelings! And thinking with your feelings can make you fall into all manners of false conclusions! Oops - major bummer.

So off I went to find wisdom, over the river and through the woods, to God's House we go! When I face life's struggles, big or small, I truly want to be led by the Holy Spirit's guiding. But, learning to hear His voice requires effort on my part. The Holy Spirit will not shout down the noise of our busy world to counsel you. He won't try to silence all the racket in your thought closet to be heard. To hear His counsel, we have to quiet ourselves and really listen.

I'm not much on being quiet, talking is kinda my "thing" but I do dearly LOVE the Word of God and I absolutely positively treasure my quiet time with the Lord! And the best news about that is this: (it's good - so hold onto yer' hats) The Holy Spirit's guidance always lines up with the Word of God! Now that's just deserving of a real shout out -- Hallelujah!

What say you, you wise self-talking, soul-talking, women friends of mine? (insert big smile here)

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